Sacramento Bankruptcy Lawyer Rick MorinThere were 995 Chapter 7 Bankruptcy cases filed in the Sacramento area during March 2014. That is about a 20% increase from February 2014.

Of the 995 new Chapter 7 cases, 109 were filed by pro se debtors. That works out to be about 11% of all Chapter 7 cases. “Pro se” means that they debtors filed their cases without the assistance of an attorney or law firm.

There were 232 practicing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy attorneys in Sacramento last month. The top Chapter 7 filer had 47 cases — over 5% of the total attorney-filed caseload. 173 of the 232 practicing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy attorneys filed five or fewer Chapter 7 cases during March.

I am always available to discuss Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. Please contact my office with any questions. I can be reached at (916) 333-2222.