We are just over halfway through 2016. ADA lawsuits continue to be a massive problem for small business owners in California. I decided to take a look at how many ADA lawsuits Scott Johnson has filed so far this year. The number may surprise you.

Scott Johnson Sues All Over Northern California

Many people that Scott Johnson files numerous lawsuits in the Sacramento area. But recently Scott Johnson has been branching out.

From Manteca, Stockton, Modesto, and now even the Bay Area, Scott Johnson is getting around. Business owners in the Sacramento are are generally familiar with Scott Johnson and his modus operandi. But folks in the San Joaquin Valley and Bay Area are now just starting to get a taste of serial ADA litigation.

So Far This Year, Scott Johnson Has Filed 136 ADA Lawsuits

Looking at both the Eastern District of California and the Northern District of California, I can find 136 Scott Johnson ADA lawsuits. On average, that’s around 20 lawsuits each month.

Keep in mind that there are often multiple defendants in each of these ADA lawsuits. Scott Johnson will sue the business owner as well as the landlord. I can estimate that over 300 defendants have been sued by Scott Johnson over frivolous ADA claims this year so far.

Don’t Fall Victim

Business owners in California must be proactive about ADA compliance. Inspect your property along with a CASp inspector to ensure that your property meets the applicable standards. Complying fully with the ADA is the only realistic way to avoid ADA litigation. I can refer you to a qualified CASp ADA inspector if you cannot find one that fits your needs.

I represent business owners and landowners all over Northern California in ADA lawsuits. Please call my office at (916) 333-2222 to discuss your options if you are facing an ADA lawsuit.