Labor Code 1198.5 Inspection Demand
Labor Code section 1198.5 is an important law that Plaintiff's…
January 16, 2017/by Attorney Rick MorinHow to Get a Car Loan During Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a powerful tool that allows debtors to get a fresh…
January 15, 2017/by Attorney Rick MorinIs Donald Trump Going to Change Bankruptcy Laws?
As you may have already heard, Donald Trump is just weeks away…
January 8, 2017/by Attorney Rick MorinOffice Holiday Schedule 2016
Merry Christmas!
Our office will be closed on the following…
December 23, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinOur office will be closed on the following…
Chapter 13 Plan Length
A very important part of building a Chapter 13 Plan is figuring…
December 19, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinADA Lawyer Tanya Moore in the News – Again!
My phone has been ringing off the hook after 60 Minutes profiled…
December 6, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinBankruptcy Motion Forms
Bankruptcy courts are somewhat unique. The bankruptcy courts…
December 4, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinGuess How Many ADA Lawsuits Tanya Moore has Filed in 2016
A large part of my law practice is defending business owners…
November 28, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinHow to Dismiss Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
I recently wrote an article on How to Dismiss Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.…
November 26, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinThanksgiving Office Schedule
Happy Thanksgiving! We will be taking some time off this week…
November 21, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinHow to Reopen Bankruptcy Case
The Bankruptcy Court has discharged and closed your case. Everything…
November 11, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinTop 3 Car Buying Secrets
I have had occasion to review many car loans through my bankruptcy…
November 1, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinDo Creditors Take Belongings in Bankruptcy?
Potential bankruptcy filers often ask me "can I keep X if I file…
October 26, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinBest Type of Bankruptcy for Foreclosure
Bankruptcy comes in several flavors. Each bankruptcy "chapter"…
October 17, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinWhy are you still banking at Wells Fargo?
Are you still banking at Wells Fargo? Why? Let's sit down and…
October 10, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinList of Discharged Debts Bankruptcy
Where do you find the list of debts that were discharged in your…
October 3, 2016/by Attorney Rick MorinLaw Office of Rick Morin, PC. A 5-star law practice serving all of California.
Southern California Office
21163 Newport Coast Drive #206
Newport Coast, CA 92657
Phone: 949-996-3094
Monday-Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
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